Vision, mission, and core values

As an energetic, growing company, it’s important to us to know where we are going – and why – so we can all move in the same direction. These are our guideposts.


Eliminating Diagnostic Uncertainty.


We innovate medical imaging to help health care professionals diagnose patients better and faster. We do this by making 15O-water practically available.

Core values

The people at MedTrace stand behind our core values ​​and we live by them daily. Our identity lies in these four values and jointly we strive to realize our vision and make the world a better place.


We are driven to innovate, produce, sell, deliver and service products because we believe in our purpose to help people all over the world eliminate diagnostic uncertainty. We are committed to persevere through the twists and turns of bringing a product to market and will remain adaptable to reach and serve the people who benefit from our work.


We are ambitious for our team and our products and passionate about the value we create in healthcare. The heart is in us all. As we energetically pursue our goals, we also find time to celebrate our successes.


We embrace equality and strive for diversity in the people we work with to materialize the opportunities presented to us. Trust in each other is the foundation of what we do.

We see ourselves belonging to a global clan committed to 15O-water.


We respect each other and believe that the world only becomes better through collaboration.

We take responsibility for our actions individually and collectively, and diligently labor to achieve our vision.

The MedTrace Team

Meet our team and learn
about our backgrounds.

Investors, Grants & Awards

Read about our investors, grants, and awards we have received.